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Info Centres

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    Trip from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai

    September 21, 2021 | Thailand Holiday Group

    There are wheelchair-friendly taxis available and the good news is that many local attractions in the city have wheelchair access.

    Airports in Thailand

    April 29, 2021 | Thailand Holiday Group

    INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS IN THAILAND There are 38 commercial Thailand airports. Of all the airports in Thailand, there are 11 busiest airports servicing international flights. Chiang Mai International Airport, Koh Samui International Airport, Surat Thani International Airport, Udon Thani International Airport, Hat Yai International Airport, Mae Fah Luang (Chiang Rai International Airport), Krabi International Airport, U-Tapao […]

    Travel Insurance for Thailand

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    Travel Insurance for Thailand Thailand is a safe and welcoming country, however, tourists travelling to Thailand often experience mishaps on their travels in Thailand, especially where drinking, partying, motorcycle riding, riding scooters and other high-risk activities occur. When thinking about Thailand travel insurance before embarking on your trip, it’s imperative to check travel insurance quotes […]

    Hospitals in Thailand

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    Hospitals in Thailand Thailand is also one of the leading destinations for medical tourism in Asia. From orthopaedic surgery to major dental work and cosmetic enhancement, people flock to Thailand for world-class care and services at more affordable prices. If you are travelling and have an accident, it’s good to know you will be well […]

    Three weeks in Thailand

    April 16, 2021 | Thailand Holiday Group

    Three weeks in Thailand A commonly asked question is how long should we spend in Thailand? When planning a trip to Thailand, 2 to 3 weeks is an ideal timeframe because it will allow you to spend a few days in different locations and really take in the sights in the various regions of the […]

    Two weeks itinerary

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    A common asked is how long should we spend in Thailand? When planning a trip to Thailand, two weeks is an ideal timeframe because it will allow you to spend a few days in different locations and really take in the sights in the various regions of the country without feeling too rushed.

    One week in Thailand

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    You can take a few different routes for your southern trip to Thailand, but these are the most popular island-hopping itineraries

    Disabled itinerary in Thailand

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    There are wheelchair-friendly taxis available and the good news is that many local attractions in the city have wheelchair access.

    Elephant Sanctuary Thailand

    April 12, 2021 | Thailand Holiday Group

    Elephant Sanctuary Thailand If you are in search of an ethical and authentic elephant experience in Thailand, our guide will help you find the right sanctuary to add to your Thailand itinerary. These elephant parks do not allow elephant riding or making these animals perform tricks but instead treat these gentle giants with dignity and […]

    Vegan-Friendly Destinations

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    Vegan-Friendly Destinations in Thailand Traditional Thai food is world-renowned for its irresistible aromas and flavours but the vegetarian/vegan experience can be marred by the inclusion of fish sauce or fermented fish paste, meat stock and eggs. But with rising tourism comes the demand for cuisine catering to special diets, making Thailand one of the more […]

    What To Take To Thailand

    March 31, 2021 | Thailand Holiday Group

    Travel to Thailand Checklist Where will you be Going? The first thing to consider about what to bring to Thailand is which parts of the country you’ll be visiting. If you are heading up north to Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai, forget the beach gear and instead pack athletic clothing for hiking and appropriate items […]

    Motorcycle Rental Thailand

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    Motorbike Tours Thailand Scooter and Motorcycle Rental Thailand Driving around and exploring Thailand on a motorcycle or scooter is a fantastic way to take in the sights. It is easy to rent a bike with motorcycle rentals available all over the country. There are three main types of motorbikes in Thailand: 110, 125,150 cc with […]

    Best time to visit Thailand

    September 25, 2020 | Thailand Holiday Group

    What are the hottest months in Thailand?
    The climate is warm all year round but seasons in Thailand can be separated into three distinct seasons – hot, cool, and wet. The hot season runs from March to June, with April and May the hottest months of the year. Temperatures can climb to as high as 38 degrees Celcius during the day. The thick and heavy heat during these months can be unrelenting and even the evenings offer little relief. The Bangkok temperature swelters due to its highrises and concrete.

    Travel Warnings

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    When travelling to a new place it is essential to equip yourself with the right information about cultural etiquette and what not to do in Thailand to avoid misunderstandings and cultural faux pas, conflicts or even worse- breaking the law.

    Sim cards and mobile internet

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    Thailand Sim Card Want to stay connected during your Thailand holiday? It’s super easy to buy a prepaid sim card and install a SIM card to be able to avail of tourist sim card packages. Tourist SIM cards and prepaid sim cards are sold at the international airport (international arrivals area) or other airports in Thailand, […]

    Inoculations in Thailand

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    What Shots Do I Need For Thailand? When planning a trip to a foreign country, it is important to consider your health, safety and well-being and cover yourself against any disease. There are a number of vaccines for Thailand that are recommended to ensure you are protected and get the best out of your trip. […]

    Ferries in Thailand

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    Thailand Ferry With over 300 amazing islands off the Thailand coastlines, it can be difficult to choose which islands to visit and how long to stay. Luckily there are an assortment of ferries, speed boat and longtail boat transfer services available to get you island-hopping in no time. With over 300 amazing Thai islands to […]

    Events & Festivals

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    Thai Festival Steeped in ancient tradition, Thailand hosts some of the world’s most colourful and unique festivals in the world. Some are celebrated nationally, while others are region-specific. Thailand is a Buddhist-majority nation so several festivals mark important dates in the Buddhist calendar.  Some of the biggest festivals are Songkran new year festival or Water […]

    Car Rental

    | Thailand Holiday Group

    CAR RENTAL THAILAND A self-drive holiday in Thailand is a great way to create your own itinerary, get off the beaten track and take in the abundant sights the kingdom has to offer at your own pace. Thai cities especially Bangkok can have extremely congested traffic at peak hours so getting a rental car in Thailand […]

    Information Centre

    Trip from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai
    Trip from Chiang Rai to Chiang Mai
    There are wheelchair-friendly taxis available and the good news is that many local attractions in the city have wheelchair access.
    Airports in Thailand
    Airports in Thailand
    INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS IN THAILAND There are 38 commercial Thailand airports. Of all the airports in Thailand, there are 11 busiest airports servicing international flights. Chiang Mai International Airport, Koh Samui International Airport, Surat Thani International Airport, Udon Thani International Airport, Hat Yai International Airport, Mae Fah Luang (Chiang Rai International Airport), Krabi International Airport, U-Tapao […]
    Travel Insurance for Thailand
    Travel Insurance for Thailand
    Travel Insurance for Thailand Thailand is a safe and welcoming country, however, tourists travelling to Thailand often experience mishaps on their travels in Thailand, especially where drinking, partying, motorcycle riding, riding scooters and other high-risk activities occur. When thinking about Thailand travel insurance before embarking on your trip, it’s imperative to check travel insurance quotes […]
    Hospitals in Thailand
    Hospitals in Thailand
    Hospitals in Thailand Thailand is also one of the leading destinations for medical tourism in Asia. From orthopaedic surgery to major dental work and cosmetic enhancement, people flock to Thailand for world-class care and services at more affordable prices. If you are travelling and have an accident, it’s good to know you will be well […]

    Things To Do

    Plan for an unforgettable holiday escapade and uncover the fascinating assortment of things to do and see in Thailand's most popular destinations as well as those lesser known travel spots and routes.